About Seventh-day Adventists
The Seventh-day Adventist Church is a Christian body that believes in salvation by Jesus Christ through His substitutionary sacrifice on the cross, dying the eternal death that we should die because of our sins. The Church believes that God the Father fully supported this plan because "God so loved the world." (John 3:16) The Holy Spirit provides the power to enable human beings to overcome sin, to grow in character to be more like Christ, and to empower Christians to tell the good news of the gospel and serve others. All beliefs are based upon the Holy Scriptures.
The name, Seventh-day Adventist, reflects two important Biblical teachings: 1. That God asks His followers to remember and keep the 7th day Sabbath as the holy day to worship Him, (not as the basis of one's salvation but for relationship with God) and 2. That the "advent" or 2nd coming of Jesus is soon and gives us a "blessed hope"(Titus 2:13) in this troubled world.

For a summary of each Seventh-day Adventist Fundamental Belief, click on a topic in the sidebar to the right. For a summary of all 28 Beliefs, click on the following link: