1351 Westside Blvd SW, P.O. Box 15258 Rio Rancho, NM 87124
MAY 2017
From the Pastor's Desk
Marshmallows and the Second Coming
By Pastor Mike Razon
What is the Marshmallow Test? It was a science experiment conducted by Walter Mischel in the 1960’s on the idea of delayed gratification. “Delayed gratification” refers to the ability to put off something mildly fun or pleasurable right now, in order to gain something that is more fun, pleasurable, or rewarding later.
In the experiment, a child was given a marshmallow and told that they could either eat the marshmallow now or wait a few minutes until the doctor came back into the room and receive two marshmallows. The child would then have to sit in the room with the marshmallow right in front of them. Some children could not resist the temptation and ate his/her single marshmallow before the experimenter returned. Other children displayed delayed gratification and were able to wait for two marshmallows.
We as Christians, are not in a scientific experiment, but the whole universe is watching what we are doing while we wait for Jesus to return. Some of us have chosen to go after their desires and lusts now because Jesus’ Second Coming seems too distant. The signs of his second coming are evident but still no Jesus. Some of us have chosen to delay gratification of our desires and we know that there will be something better than this current earth when Jesus returns.
Some of our members have complained that all I ever talk about in my sermons is the Second Coming. Why not? It is who we are as Seventh-day Adventists. If you are having difficulty focusing on the Second Coming, here is my suggestion. Be like Mary and spend time at the feet of Jesus. Be like Martha and spend your time being active for Jesus. The more you fill your time with Jesus, the less you’ll have time for other, not-as-important things.
Pastor Mike Razon
April Birthdays: 3-Tina Treece 4-Gabrielle Hurtado, Rico Martinez 8-Luis Sanchez 10-Celina Martinez 13-Thayon McCloud, Ismael Renteria Jr 14-Leary Cunningham 16-Sue Hinkle 23-Olivia Shannon 24-Rebeca Cunningham 27-Kandice Rankin 30-Rebecca Brown, Sandra (Chabvepi) Orech, Delfina Sena.
Pray Until Something Happens
“God forbid that I should sin against the LORD in ceasing to pray for you.” 1 Samuel 12:23 Support one another in Prayer for and with each other. Be sure to submit Prayer and Praise requests for our prayer team each week, and pray for those petitions submitted in the bulletin.
Featured Member: Ordinele Ingleton
This spunky young lady native to the Cayman Islands just turned 93 on St. Patrick's Day with energy and memories galore. Born one of 6, her mother died in childbirth, and her father was a seaman who was gone for 3-4 mos. at a time so she and her siblings were essentially left to fend for themselves. After a visit to New York in her early adult life, Ordinelle later moved there in her 40s, and once she was established with green card in hand, her husband and seven children joined her there. On a vacation visit to NM, Ordinelle fell in love with the Land of Entrapment, and determined to move here one day. Back in New York, she bought a house and land here sight unseen over the phone. She still lives in that house after 41 years!
Ordinelle became a Seventh-day Adventist when
Upcoming Events
Prayer Meetings, Wednesdays and Fridays 7:00-8:00 Desire of Ages, see Calendar for Chapters
AY, Sabbaths at 6:00 Pathfinders, Saturdays from 7:00
Skies Nursing Home Visitation (9150 McMahon Blvd NW) 2:30 Every 1st and 3rd Sabbath of the month
Senior Bible Studies at Buena Vista Sr. Community Apartments (1355 Meadowlark Lane SE) Sabbath afternoons 4:00 p.m.
Food Pantry Tuesdays 4:00-7:00 Thursdays 9:00-12:00
Texico Conference A.R.M.E. Bible Camp: Friday 6:00 p.m.--Sun, 12:00 p.m. At Heights SDA Church. See Pastor Razon for more information.
Los Ranchos Cooking Classes with Therese Saicawalo May 7, 2017- kids cooking class. Just in time for
Mother's Day! 10-12:30 at 9630 4th St. NW Albuquerque, If anyone has any questions please feel free to contact Therese, 702-622-8058 Please leave a message if no answer. Email-
Rio Rancho Church Health Fair May 7, 10-4. If interested in setting up a booth, contact Monica Dawson or Dr. Tony Forde.
Rio Rancho VBS! May 31-June 4 6-8 p.m. In God's Secret Service” Learning about things to do to show God's love in family, community and church. See or Olivia 505-796-2010 for more info.
Texico Conference Campmeeeting June 29-July 2 “Following God's Call: Making Disciples” at Bonita Park Camp and Converence Center, Riudoso. Chrck the conference website, or Margaret Whetsell at 505-244-1611.
Women's/Teen/Youth Retreat October Contact Olivia 505-796-2010.
Items for Newsletter may be sent to Lori, via, Deadline is April 25.